El Nido Day 2 : Matinloc Shrine, Secret Beach, Matinloc Cove, Hidden Beach, Star Beach, Kadlao Lagoon, Bucal Beach, Papaya Beach

5:39:00 AM

Second day came and we were all ready for more El Nido!

We got into The Fast and Furious a little earlier than yesterday. This time, we were the only group in the tour.

We meet again, Fast and Furious
First stop, Matinloc Shrine.

Matinloc Shrine

Matinloc Shrine
When we got down the boat, we were led up the ragged cliff. The steps were very narrow and rocks were really spiky so we had to be extra careful.  And man, the view from the top was very rewarding.
Don't you dare make a wrong step
Or you won't be able to enjoy this gorgeous view
The rocks are extra spikey
My stupid finger got in the way of my photosphere
When we got down,  out guide began to tell us the story behind the island of Matinloc. He told us that the island belonged to a local who married a german. From above the island, you can see a heart-shaped portion of the island, which was why they built their mansion there. It was never really clear why it was later abandoned. We didn't get to roam around the mansion more because we spent our time making jump shots by the dock.
Jump shots, baby!
Photosphere shot from the dock
Our next destination was the Secret Beach.

Secret Beach

The Secret Beach
According to our knowledgeable tour guide, this was the beach that inspired Alex Garland to write his novel, The Beach. Which in turn inspired the film adaptation with the same name starring Leonardo Dicaprio. Well, no wonder! The beach was beautiful! I especially loved the entrance to the beach. That part of the beach is really deep and the way the light pierces into the water and reflects the corals underneath is just amazing. I wanted to linger there but a lot of people were passing through and the waves were also quite strong so floating around wasn't really a good idea.
That there's the entrance to the beach
This is what you see underneath when you swim through the entrance. Preeeetty
Them rocks are huge
The powerpuff girls at your service
The beach itself was excellent. It had the same feel as the Secret Lagoon, but I like the Secret Beach better. The water is shallow but you can snorkel around because there are fishies!

You can do some snorkeling
It's very shallow so you have to be careful
When you're trying to get an underwater shot but everyone's legs are in it
Time to head back
When everyone got back to the boat, we headed to Matinloc Cove

Matinloc Cove

Matinloc Cove
This was also where we had lunch. While waiting for lunch, we were free to do some snorkeling. I have never seen a reef as big as Matinloc's before! There was just so many corals and fish. My companions were already chilling by the boat but I just had to check out everything. I did not get a Lasik surgery to explore just half of what could be explored.
Corals. Corals, everywhere.
On your left, a reef bursting with corals. On your right, a void made out of the most beautiful shades of blue
White coral!
Pompom coral!
Clownfish coral! I mean... an anemone
Firey coral!
A lump-of-clay-looking coral
While taking a break from diving, I dropped my friend's underwater camera.  I have never been so thankful for my 7 years of hellish swimming training. I swam after that expensive camera for dear life. Thank goodness the corals caught it.
I tied the camera strap to my wrist after that and continued exploring
I scoured every nook and cranny of that reef
I was done with most of it when our boat guides called us for lunch
Having lunch at the beach is such an experience
The next stop was the Hidden Beach

Hidden Beach

The Hidden Beach
What I loved it is that the place was sprawling with anemone and clownfish! A couple of friends and I touched the anemone and it sort of had a sticky feeling to it. It was as if we were mildy grounded or something. During that time, the water was only ankle deep so we could look at the anemone and fish so closely. When we got over the cute clownfishies we were led through a different path back to the boat. It was a cave-ish path. When we were out, our tour guide pointed out an old Balinsasayaw nest. The dry white stuff over it was the bird's spit that locals collect for a delicacy called El Nido soup.
There I am at the back looking for anemones and clownfish
They're so cute!
My friend worked so hard for this shot. Clap clap
The way back
We then rode to our next destination, the Star Beach.

Star Beach

Star beach
I loved snorkeling there! The reefs were abundant! And like, really, really abundant! The fishes are plenty. I wasn't holding the camera this time so I spent the time enjoying all the sights. I loved every bit of it! I had to be careful not to get any water in my snorkeling gear because there was nothing to stand on. And even if there was, there's a 99% chance you'll lose your balance and get cut by the corals. 
Fish feeding is prohibited in El Nido because the it makes the fish lazy, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem.
Not the fish from this reef though. All of them are frantically feeding themselves
Do you see those corals? Step on them and you're foot's a goner.
LOL JK. You'd probably just get deep cuts and bleed like crazy
Because that's what happened to my right butt cheek and left knee :|
Besides, you're not supposed to step on corals. That's a big no-no.
The Kadlao Lagoon, the next place on our tour, was a lovely lagoon that you had to swim very far for.

Kadlao Lagoon

Kadlao Lagoon
The boat won't be able to get you to the lagoon itself because of the shallow water. We got down and started swimming towards it. It took longer than expected. I was swimming for a while and I still wasn't there. The fact that the water was getting shallower and there were stuff beneath that I can't really discern made the trip a cautious one. When we finally got there, the lagoon was emerald green. The water was clear and at the bottom there was nothing but sand, which made it easier to walk or swim around. I floated on my back to bask in beauty of the lagoon. And then it was cut short by our tour guide. We need to head back. And the trip back was just as excruciating.
That green water over there is the lagoon
We forgot to bring the camera to the lagoon so our companions who didn't go took the opportunity to take photos of themselves
It was raining a bit when we arrived at the Bucal Beach

Bucal Beach

It was the least of my favourites. The sand underwater was not exactly clean. And we spotted some urchins here and there so we didn't stray far from the boat. I was floating around when I saw a hole surrounded by small pebbles (it looked like a well) and guarded by a single small fish. I was looking at it and suddenly, a wild mantis shrimp appeared! It threw out a pebble then went back in then went back out then threw a pebble again and it went on and on. I got so excited that I called some friends and showed it to them.

The next stop was a beach that is a personal favourite of our tour guide. 

Kuya Tour Guide's personal favourite beach

According to him, since the beach is opposite the open sea, getting there becomes a bit of a challenge because of the waves. But on the rare occasion that the waves are tame, they take advantage and go there even if it is not included in the itinerary. I am glad that the waves are on our side that day because that beach was glorious. None of us unfortunately know the name of that beautiful beach so we shall therefore call it Kuya Tour Guide's Personal Favourite Beach. If you do know the name however, I would be grateful to hear from you.

And that ended Tour C and D. The day wasn't over yet though. We got back to El Nido Town Proper and got ready for our overnight camp at Papaya Beach. Earlier, Tay Miloy offered to prepare our dinner for us. So we gave them the money and they took care of the rest. Around 7PM, we were back at the docks. We all got in the Fast and Furious and headed straight to Papaya Beach.

Papaya beach

When we arrived, our boat guides prepared our dinner while some of us prepared the tents (rented from Tay Miloy). After dinner, the boat guides went to collect wood for the bonfire. We then enjoyed toasted marshmallows while exchanging stories under the stars. LOL JK. THEY enjoyed toasted marshmallows while exchanging stories under the stars. I unfortunately fell asleep.

And that was Day 2.

El Nido Day 1 : Small Lagoon, Big Lagoon, Secret Lagoon, Shimizu, Snake Island, Kudugnon Cave, Seven Commando, Pinagbuyutan, Habibi Restaurant

El Nido Day 3 : Papaya Beach, Art Cafe, Twin Beach, Marimeg Beach
El Nido : 5D4N Travel Expenses

Photo credits: Rem Calumba, Joy Sabal, Troy

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